
Holy Week in Cebu

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The Image of Christ's Crucifixion
The Image of Christ’s Crucifixion

Holy Week is one of the most awaited legal holidays not only in Cebu but also in other parts of the Philippines. Government agencies and private offices close on Maundy Thursday until Black Saturday, This is the time when Catholic devotees in different parts of the country reenact the events of the crucifixion and the death of Jesus Christ, that sometimes include whipping themselves and have their feet and hands nailed to a wooden cross. The Roman Catholic Church has denounced this practice. Penance, according to the church, does not mean hurting the temple (body) that houses one’s spirit.

Holy Week is a good time to engage in solemn prayer, serious meditation, and fasting.  Catholic priests encourage the public to visit churches and retreat houses as Cebu is rich in historic and solemn areas of meditation and reflection.

What to Expect during Holy Week in Cebu

Spending Holy Week in Cebu means the streets would be quiet and empty and stores closed, so it is advisable to do your groceries ahead of time. Radio stations go off the air and television programming would only show Holy Week Drama Specials, Bible stories and Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and suffering on a cross. Since this is the start of a long holiday, some people prefer to go to beaches along with their families while the most devout Catholics visit several churches. Beach resorts and hotels welcome guests at full capacity during this time of year.

The Parade of Saints on Good Friday

A religious image during the Procession of Saints
A religious image during the Procession of Saints
Holy Week Procession of Saints
A close up view of the crying Virgin Mary during the Procession
Parade of Saints during Holy Week
The Parade of Saints during Holy Week
Inside the Sta. Teresa de Avila Parish Church in Talisay Cebu
Inside Sta. Teresa de Avila Parish Church during Holy Week
The Sta. Teresa de Avila Parish Church in Talisay Cebu
The historic Sta. Teresa de Avila Parish Church in Cebu
Hundreds of devotees outside the church on Good Friday
Hundreds of devotees outside the church during Good Friday

We visited one of the oldest churches here in Cebu, the Sta. Teresa de Avila Parish Church in Talisay City. The church was built in 1836. Hundreds of people joined the much-awaited “Procession of Saints.” The images of the saints were wearing colorful and glimmering clothing. Fresh and beautiful flowers adorned them as well. The people in the procession also carried candles and religious images including that of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the crucified Jesus Christ.

A Time for Fasting

Catholics would refrain from eating meat during Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Cebuanos also like to eat binignit and biko during this time as a form of fasting.

The popular Cebuano binignit eaten during Holy Week
The popular Cebuano binignit eaten during Holy Week

Easter Sunday Activities

Easter Sunday family get away in Cebu
Easter Sunday family get away in Cebu

Christ resurrected on Easter Sunday and most people want to celebrate this event with families at the beach or at the resorts. The malls re-open and you can buy food and do some shopping. We visited one of the resorts in Talisay Cebu on Easter Sunday. The resort’s four swimming pools were full of children and adults. People also dominated the beach outside the resort. Lifeguards stood every few meters, making everyone feel extra safe.

There are a lot of wonderful activities to enjoy during Holy Week in Cebu but that is not the only time to visit the city. Cebu City has a rich history and culture and many enjoyable tourist destinations.


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